Issue Summary
  • The scientifically-measurable and observable 4D ultrasound provides a visual tool of the pain an unborn child 20 weeks post-fertilization is able to feel.
  • ​The abortion procedure is violent and inhumane, and requires that a baby be pulled apart limb by limb using sharp, toothed forceps. 
  •  Unborn babies at 20 weeks not only have the anatomy to process pain but also the neurobiology to transmit painful sensations to the brain. 
  • ​Recent medical research and analysis, especially since 2007, provides strong evidence for the conclusion that a functioning cortex is not necessary to experience pain.
  • ​The Delaware Legislature has a compelling state interest to protect human beings from pain and abuse, including protecting unborn babies from the pain of abortion.
  • ​Delaware has already recognized the humanity of 20 week old babies when it passed Lorenzo's law in 2017, which allows parents of 20 week old stillborn babies to receive a birth certificate.
  • ​The state of Delaware must protect a woman's right to know and make informed decisions regarding her health and wellbeing.
A Battle For The Soul Of Delaware
January 2019 By Nicole Theis
The blows keep coming! 

First it was New York's 5 minute "in your face" cheering session celebrating their newly passed late term abortion law. One Catholic bishop described it as a "scene from hell." The NY law removes abortion-related crimes from the books, permits third-trimester abortions for any reason, allows abortions to be performed by medical personnel other than physicians, and makes it legal for viable babies born alive after failed late-term abortions to be denied medical care. This law overturns every pro-life protection on the books. 

New York's Democrat Governor Andrew Cuomo said in a statement, “I am directing that New York’s landmarks be lit in pink to celebrate this achievement and shine a bright light forward for the rest of the nation to follow.”

When we label the killing of our own children a “bright light,” we know we are in an age of unprecedented evil. 

Then in Virginia, another horrific bill was introduced and thankfully tabled in committee. Virginia's Democrat Governor Ralph Northman suggested that under the proposed law, if a baby was born alive, it would be made "comfortable" until a "discussion" between the mother and the physician could occur - meaning, to determine whether to let the baby die. We call that INFANTICIDE!

It's a race to pass the most extreme abortion laws that erase all safety standards and protections for women and babies born alive.

Why? Because they fear that Roe v Wade might be reversed when one of the pro-life laws being legally challenged is taken up by the U.S. Supreme Court. 

Abortion activists are pushing as far and as fast as they can. 

The abortion forces are not backing down. They're doubling down and actually openly celebrating late term abortion as a right!  

Delaware was the first state out of the gate when Democrat legislators passed a deceptively worded bill in 2017 that created a loophole that allows for late term abortion. The Delaware law allows the physician performing the abortion to determine if the baby is "viable"...based on their good faith judgment. 

During the Committee hearing process, the leading abortionist for Planned Parenthood said that an unborn baby could be 9 months and not viable! Exactly the point. And we disagree!

It's time to PUSH BACK and be resolved and relentless in our commitment to LIFE and to educating law makers and those around us about the humanity of unborn babies. 

Being outraged or disgusted is pointless if it doesn't propel you to action. 
Here's what YOU can do to make a difference:

The 20 Week Protection Bill (the formal name is the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act). This bill was introduced in Delaware's Senate in March 2019 and in the House (SB21 and HB52). It protects babies at 20 weeks and older from the violent act of abortion. Scientific studies prove that 20 week old babies feel the pain of abortion. 

1) Refuse and reject this messaging of calling abortion "Reproductive healthcare" or "choice."  
2) Call the baby a baby or a child, not a fetus.
3) Do not use the word "ban." Use the word "protect." Always. 
Read about this in Baby Scarlett's story here.
DFPC led the opposition and rallied support against Delaware's late term abortion bill in 2017. We continue to work to reach more people, fight for the unborn, and expose the truth about abortion in Delaware, but we need your help!
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