Declaration For Life
During the 2022 Legislative Session, the majority of Delaware legislators made clear their committment to making Delaware as unsafe as possible for the unborn. 

A resolution that simply recognized the sanctity of human life was voted down. Several bills were passed that expanded access to abortion, including the dangerous chemical abortion pill, and encouraged people from pro-life states to kill their babies here.

In response to two proposed Constitutional amendments, each designed to enshrine abortion into our Constitution, 1,121 Delawareans signed the Declaration for Life as session ended on June 30th. If you too commit to exposing and combating the insatiable appetite for creating a culture of death in our state, then sign your name below.
"Thousands of Delawareans like me are signing this Declaration For Life. I'm committed to using my voice to oppose state laws that advocate for and/or attempt to enshrine abortion, without limits, in Delaware’s Constitution.

The compassion of the pro-life community spares women from the pain and regret of abortion and saves the lives of innocent preborn babies.

A voice for the voiceless,"
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3 Step Guidelines
Using the form provided below:

1. Type a unique subject line.

2. Ask the Legislators to Please Vote "YES" to release SB 235, the "The Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act", from committee.

3. To be effective in your comments, please be respectful and express any of the following talking points in your own words:

This bill is reasonable and deserves to be released from the Committee. Please vote YES to release SB 235. 

The scientifically-measurable and observable 4D ultrasound provides a visual tool of the pain an unborn child 20 weeks post-fertilization is able to feel. 

The abortion procedure is violent and inhumane, and requires that a baby be pulled apart limb by limb using forceps with sharp teeth at the ends. Please acknowledge the humanity of 20 week unborn babies and protect them from the brutal pain of abortion.

Delaware Legislature already passed Lorenzo's Law, and act that gives birth certificates for stillborn babies 20 weeks gestation or older, specifically to recognize the life of that baby. It is barbaric to perform this abortion procedure on living human beings. In the spirit of Lorenzo's Law, please continue to acknowledge the humanity of the unborn baby and release SB 235 from committee. 
3 Step Guidelines
Using the form provided below:

1. Type a unique subject line.

2. Ask the Legislators to Please Vote "YES" to release SB 235, the "The Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act", from committee.

3. To be effective in your comments, please be respectful and express any of the following talking points in your own words:

This bill is reasonable and deserves to be released from the Committee. Please vote YES to release SB 235. 

The scientifically-measurable and observable 4D ultrasound provides a visual tool of the pain an unborn child 20 weeks post-fertilization is able to feel. 

The abortion procedure is violent and inhumane, and requires that a baby be pulled apart limb by limb using forceps with sharp teeth at the ends. Please acknowledge the humanity of 20 week unborn babies and protect them from the brutal pain of abortion.

Delaware Legislature already passed Lorenzo's Law, and act that gives birth certificates for stillborn babies 20 weeks gestation or older, specifically to recognize the life of that baby. It is barbaric to perform this abortion procedure on living human beings. In the spirit of Lorenzo's Law, please continue to acknowledge the humanity of the unborn baby and release SB 235 from committee. 
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Your information is collected only for the purpose of delivering your messages to your elected officials. If you would like to stay informed and receive occasional email updates on this issue, please check the box above to subscribe. 

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