“Do you support expansive and comprehensive sex education curriculum in public schools that is inclusive of LGBTQ+ sexual experiences and identities?”
“....Curriculum should absolutely be inclusive of LGBTQ+ sexual experiences and identities because every student deserves to be equipped with information about their sexual health regardless of their sexual orientation.” Senator Nicole Poore
“Expansive and comprehensive sex education, that is inclusive of LGBT+ experiences and identity, educates young people on consent, and shares effective birth control information is a critical component of teaching our young people about sexual safety and preventing STDs and unplanned pregnancies.” Senator Kyle Evans Gay
“... In order to support inclusivity and combat societal stereotypes we should ensure that this education is expanded to include the unique experiences held by myself and all those who identify anywhere on the LGBTQUIA spectrum.” Senator Marie Pinkney
Parents! Know the full meaning of words such as “Inclusive,” “Comprehensive,” “Consent,” “Institutionalization,” and “Right to autonomy.”